Today's Selected Audio:
[1] Angel Adam, Devil Danny-- Adam loses his halo mid-way through the second call. Dannyhater John returns again for call #3.
[2] To Catch A Predator Recap-- Parts 1 and 2.
[3] Pass Those Genes-- Are you going to try and steer your kid down a path that YOU believe is right for them right off the bat, or let them find their own way first?
[4] Sonny's Need For Speed-- Adam suspects his boy has inherited his thrillseeking gene. Now he's preferring he'll be a nerd.
[5] The Grim Creeper-- Supposedly there's a black cat at this nursing home that senses when one of the residents is about to die. A doctor that works there calls in, and Adam celebrates one of the true heroes.
[6] Kenny Mane-- Sportcenter anchor gives his view on Michael Vick, Barry Bonds, etc.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Posted by
A-Hole Carolla
12:28 PM
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